Your IP-adress is:
We replace your IP
with one of our IPs
Global secure
network aссess
VPN Service: Connection Configuration
1.Choose Start > Settings > Network Connections > New Connection Wizard. 2007 All rights Reserved
2.Choose "Connect to the network at my workplace" and click "Next".
3.Choose "Virtual Private Network connection" and click "Next".
4.Enter a name for the VPN connection (e.g. "Blacklogic") and click "Next".
5.If you don't need to dial up to the Internet before you can connect to Blacklogic,
choose "Do not dial the initial connection". Otherwise choose the connection
to use. Click "Next".
6.Enter "" as the VPN server host name and click "Next".
7.Check "Add a shortcut to this connection to my desktop" if desired, then click "Finish".
8.Enter your Blacklogic user name and password (you've received these after completing your purchase,
and you can also find them in your receipt e-mail) and click "Connect".
9.You are now connected to Blacklogic!
To test your IP & Privacy please follow this link: IP&Privacy Test
To disconnect, right-click the VPN connection symbol in the system tray and choose "Disconnect".